The best career advice comes from those doing the job. The people with insider knowledge on what someone in the role does on a day-to-day basis, how to get started, what the workplace and people are like, how it compares to other jobs, and the honest highs and lows.

Insidery is a free platform designed to help people find the job, industry, or career path that is right for them, by connecting them with passionate people working across jobs and industries. Insiders come from across the advertising, media, marketing, communications & design industry.

Most of us pick a career based on the jobs of people we happen to know. And most hiring happens through existing connections.

Insidery’s Purpose:

Our goal is to revolutionise career exploration, empowering individuals with access to insider knowledge and industry connections. We strive to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to discover their potential job, industry or career path, making informed decisions and unlocking potential.

Insidery was started by Robbie Allen, formerly a Senior Strategist at advertising agency Clemenger BBDO Wellington, launching the platform publicly in July 2021. The mission remains: to connect and empower individuals with passionate insiders from diverse jobs within the creative industries, facilitating the exchange of invaluable career insights and insider knowledge. Through our free platform, we aim to break down barriers and give everyone access to industry connections and unbiased career guidance that they may not otherwise have. Together, we want to reshape the way people explore, choose and thrive in their careers.

If you’d like to support Insidery or find out more, email us at

Frequently asked questions.

If you have any other questions, email us at

  • No. All Insidery chats are free. And all Insiders are volunteering their time and insight - they are not paid through Insidery.

  • Most chats happen via video call, but some Insiders may offer to meet for coffee if you’re based in the same city as them.

    If these methods don’t meet your access needs, reach out and we can use other ways of connecting you with your Insiders, such as via text or email conversations.

    You can bring along or request a support person to be present with you however you choose to meet.

  • Insidery is not a job platform. Insiders are on the platform to share their knowledge with people, and to point them in the direction of opportunities where applicable - not to hire them.

    Insidery chats are about you asking your specific questions, and learning from experienced professionals who are willing to share their insight and perspectives with you. This is called ‘informational interviewing.’ (Learn more in our resources section for Students.)

  • Insidery connects you to multiple people interested in hearing about your career for quick and insightful conversations, rather than a single long-term mentor-mentee relationship.

    How and how often you chat to users is up to you. You can take as many or as few chats a week as you like, and can pause at any time. The scheduling is driven by your availability. And you choose how you want to meet: online or in person, for 30-mins.

    If you’re interested in coming onboard or finding out more, fill in our contact form for Professionals.

  • As a first check in the process, Insidery meets with all potential Insiders to discuss the platform and expectations, and review and verify them against their LinkedIn profiles and any available personal websites, before they are accepted or listed on the platform.

    Before being connected to users on Insidery, all Insiders must accept our Insider’s Agreement. This covers a number of expectations and responsibilities that Insider’s must accept as part of being on the platform and meeting with users.

    When booking a call or coffee meeting, all users are given the option to include a support person (e.g., teacher, parent, friend, etc.) of their choosing to join.

    Every Insidery meeting is followed up with feedback forms for both sides (users and Insiders) to capture details on how the chat went.

  • Collaboration, showcasing the huge value in the Insider’s knowledge and expertise, being transparent, honest and ethical, and providing equal access and opportunities.

The Team

Follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram for more updates.

Get in touch directly:


Commercial Communications Council

In 2022, The Comms Council, an industry body representing advertising, media and communications agencies, began supporting the platform, and are who will help support individuals get the right access to insider knowledge.

Existing to advance the reputation of the industry, they will continue promoting Insidery as a resource for connection, knowledge sharing and transparency.